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Chick-fil-A honors Morristown woman and loyal fan

MORRISTOWN, Tenn. (WATE)– If you’ve been on Facebook recently, you may have seen a post that has touched the heart of many people.

Beth Ann Smith wrote about her grandmother, who passed away recently. She wrote about her grandmother’s favorite part of the summer was when she could get a peach milkshake from Chick-fil-A.

Smith says she has a ton of great memories with her grandmother, Faye Rogers.

“The first thing about my grandmother that I think about it, after my grandfather died when I was six, when I would get sad or when I would get discouraged or be missing him, a sure-fire way to get me out of the blues was to play with flour. She would put me on the kitchen counter with a bag of flour and measuring cups and just let me play until my heart’s content,” Smith recalled.

Smith said her grandmother Faye was one of four children.

“Her oldest sister Merle made delicious homemade peach ice cream,” she said.

It was the gold standard for their family, and nothing compared to it, she said. At least until summer treats came to Chick-fil-A.

“After we discovered peach milkshakes from Chick-fil-A, my grandmother every time she drank one would take a big sip and the first thing she would say was ‘it’s like drinking merle’s ice cream through a straw,” Smith said.

It was the only thing she wanted for her birthday last year.

“Last year for her 97th birthday on July 28th, we took a cake, we took flowers, and she couldn’t have cared less about the cake or about the flowers. We put that milkshake in front of her and she drank and was so excited,” Smith said.

Beth Ann snapped a picture of her grandmother enjoying the milkshake — not knowing it was one of the last times she would have a chance to drink one.

She posted that same picture on Chick-fil-A’s Facebook page when they announced the peach milkshake was coming back this summer. In return, Chick-fil-A sent Smith a box of gift cards so she could get as many milkshakes as her heart desires.

“It blew me away that somebody would go that extra mile,” Smith said.

At the bottom of the box was a printed picture of her grandmother drinking her peach milkshake in a peach-colored frame. 

“When she died actually, there was one day I was missing her so much and I had the thought that there is no amount of flower in the world that could help me not miss her as much today,” Smith said. 

However, there may be enough peach milkshakes to help her feel closer to her grandmother this summer. Faye Rogers would have been 98 at the end of July.

As of July 4, the post had over 18,000 shares.

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