While the road for Overwatch 2 has been a long one, it is rapidly approaching its launch date. Originally revealed during BlizzCon 2019, the game has seen everything from high profile members of the development team depart like Jeff Kaplan, suffer through multiple delays, as well as undertake a number of big gameplay style changes. Many returning heroes are getting redesigns, both visually and gameplay, and the game is now moving to a 5v5 style, requiring a number of map revisions to support the change.
After a lengthy period of silence, Blizzard has started to really open up about Overwatch 2, showing off new heroes like Sojourn, as well as some of the returning hero redesigns. Just a few weeks ago at the Microsoft and Bethesda Showcase, Overwatch 2 revealed Junker Queen, the newest character addition to the roster, as well as the fact that the game is planned as a free to play title with seasonal battle passes, instead of the old loot box microtransactions.
For those who want a jump start on their Overwatch 2 experience, Blizzard announced a lengthy beta period which kicks off today across all supported platforms. In a Tweet on the official Overwatch 2 account, access to the beta has started to roll out to individuals selected throughout the day. While the selection process is random to those who signed up, players who purchased the Watchpoint Pack get automatic access as well as the first game, multiple skins, Season 1 battle pass, and 2,000 virtual currency to use in Overwatch 2.
The Tweet also highlighted some content players will be seeing inside of the Overwatch 2 beta, including getting to use the Junker Queen for the first time. The new hybrid map set in Brazil called Paraiso is also featured in the beta, along with the new game mode called Push. The 5v5 gameplay will also give players a chance to check out some of the character reworks that have taken place like Bastion’s new Artillery Strike Ultimate.
While the beta should help Blizzard continue to tweak the title prior to its launch early in October, Overwatch 2 will continue to evolve after launch. Recently, Blizzard revealed a roadmap for the live service game, alongside the eventual release of the PvE mode in 2023. Season 2 is planned for release in December, bringing with it another new hero, a new map, plenty more skins, as well as a new Battle Pass. From there, 2023 is bringing even more content, including the potential additions of more support heroes.
Overwatch 2 launches in early access for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X on October 4.