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VFW Expresses Outrage Over Senators Failing to Advance PACT Act

“When I heard the news about the failed PACT Act vote I was angered. Yesterday, 25 senators who voted for the PACT Act last month changed their vote on the exact same bill. The VFW has said time and time again, that passing the PACT Act will save lives. These 25 senators who broke their promise to veterans are risking more veterans getting sick and dying with every day this is delayed. These senators need to remember that it is the veteran that paid the price for their freedoms, the life they live and the fresh air that they breathe. Our team in D.C. is mobilizing our grassroots efforts to let these senators know the VFW will hold them accountable if they fail to honor their promise. We will not let the voices of veterans sick and dying from toxic exposure be ignored. Every veteran counts.”

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